Friday, 12 October 2012


Although the studio is going thru a tough time & i am doing my best keep things going, today i paused and stopped and reflected on why i wanted to have the studio, while i was reminiscing in my mental space...i hear the chatters,laughter & discussions of postures that we did this day & that day.....OMG this IS why i am here, ok we are having hiccups now & i could not please everybody however i feel that i am here for this reason and this is a good enough reason to keep this going.
No matter what life goes on & i am moving on:)
My mission is to bring good health and help people to broaden their horizon to maximize the lifestyle options. it is a JUNGLE out there!
I love questions like what is an optimal health? how can i achieve it? is it possible?

Together with Betty & Predrag we want to bring you the best of RAWFOOD cuisine money can buy, this is the highest quality of organic raw vegan produce available.
The palate of tastebud will explode in the way you cannot imagine. it is unbelievable!
Very few spots left! Not to late to sign up!! Tomorrow 13/10 at 17.30
2 day WORKSHOP with Bruce Chung
I am so thrilled to have him. He will be teaching while i am in Malaysia sorting my father burial rites. You guys are so lucky to have him.
Bruce was originally suppose to teach at the studio with me however like all plans it changed and now finally he is here!!
He is coming to Europe for 3 weeks to both teach in Sweden & Ireland.
Since he is a more senior Moksha teacher it is so suitable for him to conduct the Moksha Series workshop. I will be his loyal assistant.
He will be conducting a solo 2 hour Arm Balancing workshop on the 3/11 Saturday.
The more the merrier, so please book NOW!

1 comment:

  1. Nikki, don't give up! We are so happy to have you and your ( that feels like ours) yoga studio in Lund! I don't know what to do without it! I'll help you anyway I can (like optimizing your sites;-) ).
