Friday 27 December 2013


SO YOU ATE A LOT.....OMG me too & it's all worth worth it.
Christmas is not a big deal for the Boklunds, we are celebrating because everybody else is.
This is also why we could open through the festivity.

The in between & after math...possible weight gain....isshh don't worry!
Let's steal some deal form the ancient traditions.

Relax a few days with lighter food, let's look at the ayurvedic way of eating.


When is the right time to eat....optimal time is in between 12-4pm...that is when your digestive system is at it's best. Basically graze through the day until 7pm...NO HEAVY FOOD after that.
I mean if you think about it, your stomach is never ledig the whole day, imagine if you have to work from 8-10pm, you'll breakdown too:) so give it a break.
Just water or tea from 7pm - 6.30am. Avoid fruits or any sweet stuff, because sugar ferments & it's super unhealthy for your intestines.

How much? 50% food, 25% liquids...i mean water! the balance the space you'll let your digestive juice to take place!They need to churn your intake of the day.

ALCOHOL - hmmmm be moderate...ALWAYS have LEMON at home, slice 1whole lemon in 1 litre water, leave it out to room temperature, drink it before matter how gedebooosh you get.
Good to cleanse your liver before bed & hopefully wake without any HANG OVER!

On top of all this be on your mat at least 1 x a day, in & out of the hotroom.

I know it's hard, i really don't believe in diet but i strongly believe in eating pattern.
IT's not what you eat , it is WHEN you eat it.
BE smart & i'll see you in the hotroom.

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