Tuesday, 12 July 2011

it is HOOOOOTTTT!! & it gets hotter...

hello....first post for the first time....i am thrilled to come so far!! this blog is the inaugural sign of confirmation that the studio is coming along and all talks are in the process.
i believe in transparency (as u cld see where i come from..MALAYSIA..IT IS A SOPPA)in everything i do & if i say i do...now.. it can be a downfall on my side sometimes but this is how i've been brought up and this is how i shall carry on until my last breath. i want all of you to follow this somehow "torturing" & painstaking journey....many humps & bumps...tears & anger...aaannndd this is only the tip of the iceberg...
i've been shown the worse and the best side of people in yoga business locally & internationally...in a VERY shortime, i call it a GIFT. it's better that i see it now than too late. so people are never who they say they are...however i wasn't born yesterday!
i don't know how to give up. so friends this is the logo that will make u feel HOT!

next post will be the menu of prices & promo

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