Monday, 25 February 2013


Sat in my bed....went thru the list in my head of all of you who bought the challenge card...& i kinda wondered where some of you have gone? where are you?

I mean there's loads of you who continued & worked harder than ever...some.....i hv NOT seen you at all after the first day or 3 days....
The challenge is a chore and harder then you is very common for your body to give in at the beginning & immune system could not cope with the body. The physical body will tell you when things are not in place but sometimes the psychological body is NOT translating it correctly thus it causes  the physiology in the body goes into a havoc state.
Your body is an efficient fine tuned'll keep what it needs and flushes what it does not and it is very common that you get sick after a few days of daily practice.
Circulation starts to move, blockages removed. Your body is healing itself. You can carry crap for a long really LONG time.
What i am saying is that TRUST that the body it will mend itself and you will be TUNED in again, just don't let the mind take over and finds excuses for you.
AND it is NEVER too late to jump back on the wagon again...COME.

APARIGRAHA week is starting today 25/2...and i am excited.  ALL i  want you to do is TRY, if it works it works and if it doesn't it doesn' big deal & don't get caught up MOVE ON :)

good luck & i LOVE you.

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